Workshops and Seminars

Workshops and Seminars

We offer a range of workshops and seminars for groups of all sizes.  Off-the-shelf workshops include:  Internet marketing. Sales.  Marketing.  Startup 101.  We will also create custom workshops to suit the unique needs of your organization.


Workshops are designed with the background and goals of the particular audience in mind.


If more than ten (10) people are scheduled to attend a standard workshop, we will customize the format and agenda at no cost.


The workshop can be hosted at your facility or at a local hotel or conference facility.


Select from full-day or half-day formats. 

Internet Marketing

What follows is an example curriculum of a typical one (1) day workshop on the topic of Internet Marketing. This workshop has been designed specifically for businesses and business associations.

Course Outcomes

An understanding of key Internet Marketing concepts

An understanding of how Internet Marketing has been used successfully in your marketplace

A high level understanding of how your competitors are using Internet Marketing

A familiarity with leading Internet Marketing technologies and how to use them

An understanding of the key elements of a corporate Internet Marketing strategy

A pilot project that you might use to apply what you have learned starting tomorrow!

Course Agenda

This agenda has been designed to fit into a typical busy work day.  It is an intensive workshop with 7 hours of classroom learning,  two short breaks and a lunch break.  The workshop assumes an 8:30 start, 4:00 finish with an hour of open-ended discussion at the end of the day.

Time mins Activity
08:30 30 Coffee, instruction
09:00 90 concepts
10:30 15 break
10:45 75 case studies and competition
12:00 60 break
13:00 90 Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube
14:30 15 break
14:45 75 Policy and Pilot
16:00 60 optional Q&A, pilot project development

Where do I start?

Send us a note with a brief description of your needs, timeframes and your contact information to book a free consultation.